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New Perspective from Health Pioneers Institute

Dr. Gnadt has been enjoying strengthening her animal chiropractic skills as well. Although she earned her certification in Veterinary Spinal Manipulation Therapy from the Healing Oasis in 2016, she decided to broaden her chiropractic knowledge at Health Pioneers Institute.

The first course at Healing Oasis was taught by a wonderful veterinarian, Dr. Pedro Rivera. The course she recently took at Health Pioneer Institute is taught by a wonderful human chiropractor, Dr. Carl DeStefano. This way, Dr. Gnadt has learned animal chiropractic from both the veterinary perspective and the chiropractic perspective. The best of both worlds! She is enjoying adding some new adjustment techniques to her treatments and is seeing even better results.

Dr. Gnadt was also very flattered to be asked to lecture at Health Pioneers Institute. She taught the class, consisting of veterinarians and chiropractors, about the equine hoof and commonly seen diseases of the hoof. Her time at Health Pioneers Institute has been very rewarding and she will certainly be taking more continuing education there. Dr. Gnadt is committed to being the best veterinary chiropractor she can be and taking the time to learn at Health Pioneers Institute has been well worth it.