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Laser Therapy Options

Many of you have already seen and used Dr. Gnadt’s latest therapeutic tool – the cold laser. The new MultiRadiance ACTIVet ProLaser Shower was introduced to the practice in September 2021. So far, many of Dr. Gnadt’s patients have benefited from muscle spasm relief prior to adjustments, improved wound and tendon healing, as well as relief from pain of sore muscles or arthritis.

This state-of-the-art laser uses light energy to increase blood flow in tissue, as well as increase the cell’s ability to make cellular energy. This helps the cells repair faster and has a pain-relieving effect. What makes this laser different than other veterinary lasers on the market is that it is cordless, silent, requires no protective eye wear, is lightweight, and has no risk of heat damage to the tissue (such as with Class IV lasers commonly used.) This laser can be used before or after performance. It is the only laser allowed for same day treatment on the show grounds for FEI and USEF horse shows.

Pre-treating your horse with laser therapy relaxes them mentally and relaxes the back and/or neck muscles before adjusting. When the horse’s back or neck is already more relaxed, it allows Dr. Gnadt to get a better adjustment, without the resistance of muscle spasm around the joints. Dr. Gnadt loves this laser almost as much as the horses love being treated!