Kind words from clients

The relationship between a horse owner and veterinarian is a very important one. We are thankful for the success we have had with these clients and their remarkable horses. 

“My horse has had a dramatic change from chiropractic and laser treatments. On a neurological exam, my horse showed a loss of sensation in knowing where her left hind leg was. Immediately after the chiropractic adjustment, we re-did the neurologic exam & it was normal!  Phenomenal change!  Now with routine care, which includes chiropractic adjustments & laser therapy for stifle arthritis, my horse continues to be sound, happy, and knows where her feet are!  We are so thankful to Dr. Vicky for all she has done to extend our riding time together!”

Julie & Nessie

“I am so grateful for the expertise, professionalism and compassion Dr. Vicky Gnadt has provided for me on several occasions. As an equine vet, she truly cares about providing the client with the knowledge and help needed in the time of need. I have used her for years and will continue to use her for years to come. I highly recommend Dr. Gnadt!”

Liz Rohde

“Dr. Gnadt has been taking care of my horses’ veterinary needs since 2016 & I have been extremely pleased with her services. Her knowledge & compassion is exceptional. I highly recommend her acupuncture treatment, which helped incredibly with one of my mares with a stifle issue that was so bad my farrier fired us. Now she is pain free and rideable. Chiropractic adjustments explained several body pain issues with a filly I had that was performing poorly. As if I need to go on, Dr. Gnadt’s laser treatments also speak for themselves! I took in a 3 year old off track stallion that was due to be euthanized for a suspensory injury and thanks to laser therapy he is now sound enough to ride. Thank you, Dr. Gnadt!”

Kellie Hohmann

“As the owner of a large boarding stable specializing in seniors and special-needs horses, I have had many new arrivals with pre-existing conditions. Some of these included recurrent colic, navicular syndrome, chronic laminitis, renal failure, and severe behavioral issues. Without fail, every horse that we have started treating with herbal medication has shown improvement. The most dramatic results have been with two different foundered horses that both show significant coffin bone rotation on their X-rays. On the very first day of receiving the full dose of herbs, they both showed a dramatic increase in their comfort level. By the same token, their comfort level is negatively affected without the herbs, even for just a few days. I consider the herbal meds to be a great “tool in the toolbox” to help these horses have a better quality of life and to assist them in aging more gracefully despite the  challenges life has sent their way.”

Tammie Roeber
Owner, Western Venture Farms

“Dr. Vicky helps our Western performance horses stay in their best shape all show season by being proactive with chiropractic care.”

Heather Gallitz

“My daughter Avalynn and I are so happy Dr Vicky had the expertise to oversee Jazzi’s eye treatment after she had a tumor removed. Dr Vicky is knowledgeable and caring and explains the science, anatomy and treatments in a way that is easy to understand. There is a great circle of trust and confidence between the horse, the owners and the vet.”

Robyn Pearce

“My horse Desi was always a nervous horse, and uncomfortable with my dismount. Dr. Vicky did a great job of being calm, taking whatever time Desi needed to get the adjustment done. After Desi’s first adjustment I could see a huge difference in her disposition when I dismounted. I continued to have her adjusted throughout the summer and was so happy with the results. I think Desi is much happier now that things are aligned.

We also have Dr. Vicky do dental work on all my horses. We had 4 horses ranging from ages 1-24. I was nervous about floating teeth, have seeing it done before. I can’t tell you how happy and impressed I was with Dr. Vicky’s tools, and methods. The whole floating appointment was quick and easy on the horse, which put my mind at ease. My horses comfort is so important to me and I’m thankful that Dr. Vicky listens to my concerns and takes care of my horses accordingly. Really listening to clients is what I appreciate most in Dr. Vicky.”

Christy Tomandl

“An OTTB can be quite the ‘project,’ not just in terms of re-training but also ‘re-alignment’ – physically, mentally, and emotionally. My Illinois OTTB arrived in northern Wisconsin and immediately began showing odd symptoms such as abnormal sweat patches on his neck and an undiagnosable hind end lameness. Dr. Vicky correctly diagnosed him with EPM and began to treat with two rounds of Marquis, and when he relapsed 6 months later Re-Balance. It was truly her powerhouse arsenal of complimentary therapies – acupuncture, VSMT, and prescription Jing Tang traditional Chinese medicines that kept neurological after-effects under control for the rest of the years I owned him. I fully believe that only Dr. Vicky’s holistic knowledge, and skill in traditional Western veterinary practices, made all the difference for Canyon in his working years.”

Jean & Canyon

“My National Show Horse, Happy, was born with a mild case of shivers. Acupuncture, VSMT, and laser therapy have benefited her immensely. She is on the maintenance plan now with ‘Hind End Weakness” traditional Chinese medicine. I have seen absolutely no signs of shivers for over a year; either at play in her big pasture or at work. Plus, her initially wary and flighty personality has blossomed into that of a confident jumper who also joyfully displays the flashy gaits of her Saddlebred heritage; with never a false, insecure step, she is now a confident, happy, and fun ride.”

Jean & Happy

“Dr Vicky’s ‘super power’ of course, is dentistry. This has been especially important for my 30 year old (semi-retired) Anglo- Arab, River. River was losing weight due to his advancing Cushing’s disease. We treated him with Prascend, which lowered his Cushing’s tests. But the most important work, I am convinced, in maintaining his current, rather impressive, physical condition was due to Dr Vicky’s ability to assess and correct the gaps in his tooth alignment. She travels with some of the best state-of-the-art dentistry drills and tools in the state. She also recommended that I start him on Platinum Performance Healthy Weight Oil. I get compliments all the time on River’s body-scores!

As traditional Western veterinary practices become more receptive towards what these complimentary therapies can offer in terms of prevention and wholistic practices, our horses are the happy beneficiaries, and we, as their helpers and partners become more knowledgeable care-takers. I have learned so much as Dr. Vicky’s client, and my horses love the results!”

Jean & River

Book an Appointment

All services are by appointment only. 

Serving the greater Milwaukee area in Wisconsin with seasonal availability in the Northwoods Wisconsin.  Serving clients in Dodge, Jefferson, Washington, Waukesha, Milwaukee, Walworth, Ozaukee and Racine counties. 

Available Monday – Friday from 9am to 5pm
Please avoid a $50 cancellation fee by rescheduling or cancelling your appointment 1 full business day in advance.

Please call for availability or fill out the contact form..